

澳门葡京博彩软件的职位管理是学院领导层监控全职员工增长和员工人数的一个过程, 确保员工队伍适当平衡,并专注于实现学院的使命和战略. 学院已经实施了一个系统的方法来定位管理的要求,允许一致性, fair and equitable responses to how requests are identified, 评估, 和批准. All positions are reviewed monthly by human resources and the budget office. Please work with your HR partner to discuss specifics of your workforce.



  • 取代现有职位*
  • 招聘新的固定期限职位*
  • 招聘 a centrally-funded temp or grant-funded role
  • 延长现有固定期限职位或延长现有职位的工作时间

* If hiring a new position or modifying an existing position by more than 25%, your HR partner will engage the Total Rewards team to complete a job evaluation.

  • Please allow up to two weeks for this analysis to be completed.
  • If there are no or minor changes (less than 25%) to an existing role, a job evaluation by the Total Rewards team is not needed.


职位管理流程在现有职位空缺或创建新的固定期限职位时开始. 随着角色的开放,管理者应该评估角色是否可以被细化、整合等. Please work with your HR partner to discuss the specifics of your workforce. 当前人员配置的任何变动都应按照下表所列的程序进行. 所有增加员工的请求都需要通过年度战略计划流程.

Steps to follow when you have a vacancy:

  1. 与你各自的内阁成员一起审查职位申请,并确保他们的批准
  2. Ensure the job description is accurate and up-to-date
    注:如果这是一个新职位,或者如果对现有职位进行重大变更,使角色变化25%或更多, 在提交之前,必须由您的人力资源合作伙伴和Total Rewards团队进行审核. Please allow up to two weeks for this review. 
  3. 请填写 职位管理Google表单 to submit your request for approval. 
    职位管理委员会一般在每个月的第一个星期开会. The position management form should be submitted at least one week 之前. 
  4. Generally about one week 后 the PMC meeting, your Recruiting Specialist will let you know if the position has been approved, and how to begin the recruitment process. For questions on the hiring process, please contact your Recruiting Specialist at recruiting-u@mogrenlandscape.com.

Use this table to navigate the steps for position approvals

场景 行动
Submit position management form for approval.
Ensure job description is up to date. If there are minor changes to the description, note as such when you share it with your recruiting specialist or HR partner.
Proposal to change job materially e.g. 基本职能变更超过25%或报告关系变更. 联系您的人力资源合作伙伴进行讨论.
Submit position management form for approval.
确保职位描述是完整的,并且已经被你的人力资源合作伙伴和Total Rewards审核过 之前 to submission (allow up to two weeks for Total Rewards review).
Use this category to request to extend the planned end date for a fixed-term role. 请注意,固定期限职位不属于该部门经常预算编制人员的一部分.
Select this category to request a modification of the standard hours for a job.
Ensure job description is up to date and send it to your HR partner.
Regularization of fixed-term to regular staff
增加工作人员或定期任用正规化的请求应通过战略倡议程序. Please see your HR partner and cabinet member to discuss.
Addition of fixed-term staff, department funded 有资金的部门可以通过职位管理流程申请一个新的固定期限职位. 确保职位描述完整,并在提交之前由你的人力资源合作伙伴和Total Rewards审核过.
Addition or extension to grant-funded roles 由拨款资助的职位应通过职位管理提交程序,由拨款办公室批准 & Sponsored 研究 and your HR partner.
临时或临时职位 临时雇员和代理临时雇员的批准应该得到你的内阁成员和人力资源合伙人的批准.
If the temporary employee is slated to cover a vacant position, 或者休假的员工, please complete the appropriate process as described under 雇用临时或临时工 (immediately following) to apply for central funding.




招聘经理如要求雇用临时工或临时代理人员在雇员休假期间提供短期保险,应填写《澳门葡京博彩软件》 Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work.  

  • 临时工的职责必须在休假员工的工作职责范围内.
  • The temporary work generally should not last longer than the period of leave.
  • Temporary worker hours should not exceed 910 hours in a calendar year.



  • 批准的临时雇员补偿/临时代理发票将在表格上注明的时间段内从中央工资中扣除. 
  • 未获中央拨款的临时工程,将从本署的营运预算中扣除. 
  • 如果员工的休假被延长,招聘经理应该联系他们的人力资源合作伙伴.  The HR partner will update the temporary work end date and notify the budget office. 否则, 中央资助将在申请中央资助的临时工作所注明的日期结束.


When a position becomes vacant, hiring managers should refer to 招聘员工的步骤 & 招聘.  


招聘经理如果希望雇佣临时工或临时工在员工离职后提供短期保险,应与人力资源合作伙伴讨论他们的运营劳动力需求,并完成 Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work. 临时工的职责必须在该岗位的工作职责范围内.


在审查了 Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work, 招聘经理的人力资源合作伙伴将通知经理临时工作是否获得中央资助或提出进一步的问题. 经批准的临时雇员补偿/临时代理发票将在表格上注明的时间内(一般约三个月,包括招聘过程)从中央工资中扣除。. 未获中央拨款的临时工程,将从本署的营运预算中扣除. 


Central funding for temporary work will end when the vacant position is filled. 如果招聘时间超过12周,招聘经理应该联系他们的人力资源合作伙伴.

Casual employees are individuals paid by Smith and:

  • work fewer than 64 hours per month, or
  • work more than 64 hours per month, up to three months, or
  • work part-time more than three months ongoing (fewer than 17.5 hours per week) or full-time up to five months

Do you have approval from the cabinet or from senior staff? 你有预算吗? 

  • 如果是,请继续以下步骤
  • If no - work with the cabinet or senior staff for approval before moving forward

Do you have a candidate ready to be hired? If so, proceed to the next step by emailing hr@mogrenlandscape.com with the following information when you are ready for hire:

  • 工作人员姓名
  • 个人电邮地址
  • 职称
  • 工作简介
  • 每小时工资率
  • 主管名称
  • Fund/Organization/Account to paid from
    如果这个因果关系的角色是被雇佣来代替一个正在休假的全职员工, 或者在你招聘接替者的时候,为离职员工的工作买单, 
  • you may qualify for central funding for a certain amount of time. 请参阅 Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work
  • Have they or do they currently work for Smith (include as contingents and retirees)?

如果你没有候选人,并希望协助张贴工作和招聘, please send your request to the HR Recruiting team via email to recruiting-u@mogrenlandscape.com.  然后,招聘团队将与您一起完成从招聘到入职的整个过程. 

After the HR operations team gets your casual employee setup in Workday, the system will initiate the hire process. Major milestones in the hiring and onboarding process are outlined as follows:

  • 网络接入建立  the employees’ Workday account and Smith email have been configured 
  • OneCards can be obtained on or 后 the employee's first day of work. 员工应该发邮件 ithelp@mogrenlandscape.com to set up an appointment to get their OneCard. The OnceCard office is located in Seeley Hall B8. Everyone is required to complete an I-9 employment verification and background check. Some employees will require a Cori check as well.

请注意:管理人员应通知临时员工每天检查工作日任务,以确保及时完成入职流程. If days have gone by and they have not seen a “Complete I-9” event, we advise them to email human resources or call our offices.